From yesterday until a while ago, my former Human Knight had spent the last 2 levels of her first class completing the Conquest of Alligator Island quest in Innadrill Territory. By the time she reached level 40, I decided to accomplish the shortcut job change quest, the Good Works Reward. Thanks to one of my former clanmates, who lent me the 3 million Adena, I was already one step towards her goal. I was also able to get back a part of the cost spent for the Antidote to given by one of the quests NPCs, thanks to the Black Marketeer of Mammon (you may be familiar with this dwarf, as he's the person to transact to when your Cabal, either Dusk or Dawn, won control over the Seal of Avarice after the one week quest period of the Seven Signs, by the way). And after talking to the Grand Master in the Warriors' Guild in Giran (the venue of the Good Works Reward) about the 2nd job change, the moment that I've been waiting for so long had finally arrived: She was now a Paladin, and also one of the graduates from the academy of HeavensOracle, for she was given an Academy Circlet as proof. I couldn't help but to smile, and deep inside, I was rejoicing with glee. But then again, it also turned out to be melancholic, for once I graduated, I will once again be clanless. I really wished that I would still stay, but I should move on and prepare myself, for if I return, it will be a must for me to participate in both the fortress & castle sieges. But don't worry, my depature from the clan will be just brief, and besides, my Warder also became one of the academy members. I would really like to thank my former HeavensOracle clanmates, especially to EvaRavenspell, Hellborne, SevenSins, Iriss, yching, Daeris & killuminatti, for letting me experience what is like to have comrades in a clan, and even to ArkAngle, for lending me the 3 million Adena for the shortcut job change quest and even for giving me C-grade equipment as a farewell gift. Kudos to you guys, and don't worry, as MacArthur said, "I shall return".That's all for now! doodlez! ^^
I just created a new character in Cadmus last night, which was a female Dark Elf. I used the same IGN of my Human Knight in Aria as her name, as suggested by my friend Alcarcalimo, who also re-rolled as a DE, in order not to ruin my reputation. During that time, I finished the tasks given by the Newbie Guide, from the Mass of Darkness quest to the Spirit of Craftsman quest. Then, a while ago, as the final task, I accomplished the Offspring of Nightmares quest. By the time my DE reached lvl 18, I decided to take on the Path of the Palus Knight, since I wanted to become a Bladedancer like him. It really took me a while to finish it, but yet again, it was worth it. Here's the proof:Since the Smash 'em Pumpkins event was on-going, I was able to collect pollen in order to trade in for seeds. Everytime I had the seed, I would summon it, feed it with pollen 5 times, then attack in order for it to open. Of all my attempts there, the young squash transformed into a Low Quality Squash, then after I cracked the squash, I received potions as reward. I'm hoping that someday, I'll receive better rewards.I also used my Elven archer in Aria, and just like what happened to my Palus Knight, it really took me a while to finish the job change quest to become an Elven Scout. Here's the screenie:Talk about double promotion! Wohoo!! As for my knight in Aria, she just received her 60k+ Ancient Adena reward for participating in the Seven Signs event. I noticed that as she ran towards the Priest of Dawn to receive the gift, one of the Orators of Revelation buffed me with a buff skill known as Blessing of Revelation, which decreases weight penalty & increases resistances to debuffs. I checked on the items that can be exchanged for that currency, and one of them was the Party Mask. I really wanted to take it, but the downside is that the AA required for it is 600k. Yikes! I guess I have to participate again in the event to get more AAs. Since my semestral break will start on Monday, I'll do 2 quests & the shortcut job change quest in order to become a Paladin, complete quests for my Warder & Elven Scout, and even to try out new skills for my Palus Knight in Cadmus in preparation for the new set of tasks to be completed by her. I guess I'm satisfied right now with the results. Time to go! ^^
I just read the latest post in Alcarcalimo's L2 blog that he'll re-roll in the new server, Cadmus, tomorrow as an Assassin (I'm not sure if he'll be like his dark-haired soon-to-be AW Morfindien, though). Yeah, you heard that right, that means that his Bladedancer will still be in (permanent) hiatus mode, although he'll still use it sparingly from time to time. If you want to read about it, look at the link below: the feeling that I'm excited to try out the new server and to re-roll as a Bladedancer (it was because of the cool dance buffs), I was currently in the state of anxiety. It was because of these reasons:- My knight has 2 more levels to go before she'll become a Paladin, and I need to ask my HO clanmates for 3m Adena for the sake of completing the shortcut quest.- My archer has to complete the job change quest to become an Elven Scout.- I couldn't leave my clanmates behind in Aria, so I had to stay there again after I tried out my new toon in Cadmus.- I cannot log in tomorrow, for I still have to focus in school, so I'm assuming that he'll be far ahead of me, and it'll be hard for me to catch up with him.- I'm still thinking of what quests to do for my Kamael Warder.If that would be the case that he'll leave his characters behind in Aria & that he'll be lavishing the pleasure of starting over in Cadmus and stay there until eternity, then that means our friendship will no longer be crystal clear from now on, with the focus blurred to the point of blindness and I'm not happy about it. I hate to say this and to somewhat offend him, and please pardon me, but I can't help it. If that's what he really wants, so be it. I hope we'll still keep in touch, though... >_<Gotta go to sleep now... I'm so tired *yawns*...
While I was browsing through the L2 forums a few days ago, I've found an intersting story to read. It's all about the anxiety of being in love in someone, only to discover that he / she is left alone in the end. By the way, this was written by clone03 in the forums:Why I Don't Speak To You??Why don’t I speak to you? It’s clear to see that you’re making every palatable effort just to talk to me. You’re apparently trying to act friendly to somebody who tries so hard to keep you invisible. What does it feel like to talk to a brick wall? Well, try to master the feeling and get used to it; you’ll be encountering that same feeling a lot more every time you try to talk to me.I’ve been chasing you for five months. That’s right, five grueling months. I trusted you with anything and everything. It’s been weeks since I’ve been having this fever. I cannot eat properly and my eyes are sore for crying myself to sleep every night. I can’t believe you did this to me. You, of all people. You, who’ve said that you’re deathly afraid of losing me and hurting me. You who’ve stated that you’re thankful for having someone like me. You who’ve said that you’ll never go far away from me; even the skies would tell me that you need me so. You…To tell you the truth, I’ve already forgiven you… Yeah, it may sound weird, but that’s true! Well, I did love you once upon a time, and every time you’ve hurt me, I’ve cried it out at night and smiled it out in the morning. Prayers for you always came first before my prayers for my true friends, my family, and yes, even myself. But then again, I cannot but ignore you.I’m a man who, in the youngest of ages, have seen and felt things that even a grown man shouldn’t see in a lifetime. I know how it feels like when the Angel of Death stares at me face to face. I’ve downed every problem I had so far. Death no longer scares me. Darkness no longer haunts me. The unknown makes me laugh. I have no fear, or at least, it used to be that way. Now I have only one fear… YOU!I’m afraid of YOU! You hurt me so bad that I can still feel my heart race like a supersonic jet every time I hear your name or see you walk by. I’m afraid that you’d hurt me again. I’m afraid that, when we start speaking to each other again, you’d lie to me again. It would have been fine if you would lie and never let me discover the truth. However, I, a human lie-detector, would eventually figure it out, and it hurts me so.So now, you’re probably asking yourself, “When the heck have I ever lied to him?” I don’t know maybe you should just keep that question to yourself. Try to remember the definition of lying, “lying is when you say what you’re not supposed to say and when you don’t say what you’re supposed to say”. That should be enough of a definition for you… You know what; you still mean the world to me right now. You’re still the first name that pops out of my head when the sun rises and the last thing that circles my head before my consciousness shuts down for sleep. That’s why every little thing you do hurts me so much. Even the smallest of lies and cheapest of tales hurt me so much. It cuts deep in me like a samurai through butter.I don’t want to feel this way anymore. I’ve got to move on. So many people are counting on me. So many lives are depending on me. The safety of the people I care for the most is in my hands. I don’t need a weakness right now. I don’t need someone who lets me second-guess my talents and abilities. I don’t need someone to cry over. In short, right now, I don’t need someone like you.Please understand. It’s not your new girlfriend. It’s not your successful school life. It’s not the platoon of friends you carry around or the battalion of girls waiting at your doorstep. It’s simply between us. It’s between the events that have happened between us.Honestly, the memories I’ve spent with you were, so far, some of the happiest in my life. I want to keep it that way. When I remember you, I want to remember not the hell you’ve put me through, but the heaven that I’ve shared with you.I am, after all, once upon a time, your “best friend” and your “love”. I know you better than anyone in the world does. I know you better than your pretty face and your beautiful body. I know you better than your generic clothes, your baby cologne and your 99-peso lip gloss. I know who you are and what you truly feel about the world. That is why I can always say that, in this world, you cannot but lie. It’s what you do. It’s how you protect yourself. It’s how you defend yourself from getting hurt. It’s how you soften up your enemies before you go for the kill.As sure as I am that one plus one equals zero, I’m sure that, when we speak again, you will not lie to me. You’ll do it all over again, and I’ll feel this way all over again.I, like you, have to protect myself. I’ll let my feelings for you pass. I’ll let time heal my broken heart and my shattered self-esteem. That way, when we talk again, you can lie all you want. You can even stand in front of me and tell me that you’re seated down. By that time, it wouldn’t matter to me anymore. It wouldn’t hurt me as much as it does right now. It wouldn’t cost me sleepless nights and lost appetites.Someday, when I’ve lost my love for you, when I’ve forgotten all the things you’ve put me through, maybe we can start all over again. We could be friends.Friendship is all I can offer you because I cannot trust you any longer. If you want my trust back that bad, work hard for it, as have I.And one more thing… Why am I always grumpy whenever you’re around? It’s not because I haven’t forgiven you for fooling me, because I have. It’s because I haven’t forgiven myself yet for letting myself be fooled by you… Melancholic, isn't it?Ok, mushy feelings aside. My knight was able to finish the Gather Ingredients for Pie quest, and she was given 50 Varnishes as a reward. I was also able to accomplish the Trial of Duty, the first part of the 2nd job change. But then something vexing happened. I was just teleported to Hunter's Village to give the quest items to Israel Silvershadow when suddenly, I got disconnected, and worse, I discovered that Aria's down, AGAIN! Good thing I posted the update in the forums... >_<Fortunately, the server's up again after some time, and I still managed to finished the other half of the quest. The rewards were indeed worthy as well, for I was able to level up and to tune-up some of my current skills. As for my Kamael Warder, I requested my clan leader EvaRavenspell to recruit her into the academy. But the problem was that, one of the members was kicked out of the clan, meaning there was an invite penalty, and I have to go online again later in order to be included. I also managed to squeeze some of my remaining game time to my archer, so that she'll be at lvl 18 in order to do the job change quest in order to become an Elven Scout.Well, that's all for now. See you in-game! ^^
Last Sunday, I went to Megamall together with my chaperone to witness CosplayMania '08. By the time we arrived at the venue, which was at Megatrade Hall 3, there were so many people, especially the cosplayers, and the waiting line was really long. Good thing I bought lunch just before we went in to pay the entance fee and get tickets. I even got a free P20 L2 card for presenting one of my used ones, too.As expected, I saw the spot for the L2 Octobermania event. I even noticed that the decoration used during the Ozine Fest '08 last summer was used again, but this time the Kamael logo at the top was replaced with the Octobermania logo. I played the memory game at the back to pass the time, since the registration for free play will start at 12:00 noon. At the game, one will have up to 5 chances to get a pair of the same cards, and freebies will be given depending on the trial. I got the Kamael pair at the 2nd trial, and my freebies include the DVD installer, a ballpen & even one of the cards. I chose the same card as the pair that I was able to find. I even wrote the IGN of my knight together with my guild at one spot of the freedom board, too.I was able to register for freeplay, and during that time, I used my knight & started the Gather the Ingredients for Pie quest. While I was playing, I met the child of one of the players who played as a Paladin (I'm not sure if the father is the owner of Atreo, one of the best-known paladins of Blackbird, or someone else, though). That child played his female Warrior, and I assumed that he'll choose to be a Gladiator, since his avatar wielded dual swords. Since the freeplay duration lasted for only 1 hour, my knight got about 1/4 of the number of required quest items, and I SOE'd her back to Gludio before I left. I even met Guardian Telrun in person as well playing his Kamael.I even watched the Battle Tournament at the Underground Coliseum. Before the match started, Guardian Mephistopheles introduced to us players the new Guardian, Alkaia, and even gave me a mouse pad for answering his question correctly. There were some slight errors going on, and even delays while waiting for the Aria division match to begin. But then again, at the go signal, it was an all-out mayhem, especially when the characters killed each other through skills as well as to destroy resurrection towers. The winners even rejoiced at the announcement. I wasn;t able to watch the Blackbird part, though, since I became so tired. But before I left, I glanced again at the freedom board, only to discover that it was filled with so many names already, and I even bought a mouse pad as well as a keychain.As for my L2 life, I have good news. Last Saturday, I started the job change quest for my Kamael, and she sucessfully became a Warder. Here's the proof:Right now, she's at level 21, currently trying out her rapier skills. But the current problem is that in order to finish the option side-quest of the Subjugation of Lizardmen quest, she needs to kill the Serpent Demon Bifrons for the item inside the chest. It means that I'll have my first time battle with a raid boss! Yikes!!! I really need a party right now ASAP!As for my knight, she's currently at level 34, one more level before she can do the Trial of Duty quest, one of the 3 job change quests necessary to reach her 2nd class (I'm still not sure if I can afford to do the shortcut 2nd job change, though). I still need to continue to aformentioned Gather Ingredients for Pie quest, though.For my other plans, I still need to use my Elven archer and do the job change quest to become an Elven Scout. I might even plan to re-roll in Cadmus next week either as a Dark Elf to become a Bladedancer, a Human to become a Warlord, or another Elf to be either a Swordsinger or Plainswalker.Anyway, that's all for now! More things yet to come! ^^
I just checked the first post about the Guardian team topic in the L2 forums, and I noticed that it has been edited yesterday. It has been revealed that the new Guardian will be female, just like one of the L2 current Guardians, Ashlianna. And now, the identity of the new Guardian has been revealed.The new Guardian's name was Alkaia, and by the time she was introduced to the community, she was warmly welcomed by the players, including me and tsukihime, who had started a welcome thread for her in the Aria sub-section of the Worlds section. According to the Guardian team topic, she has an identity of being a female Kamael (although it might soon change). Alkaia even announced that there will be a new event going on this comming October 21 (It's found in the Events section of the forums, by the way). As of now, she's still shy, because of her being blushed due to the warm welcome she had received by us, by don't worry, she'll soon cope up and be confident as part of the community.But remember, just like the other Guardians, treat her nicely, or you'll suffer the consequences... mwahahahahaha... >:DThat's all for now... Ciao! ^^
Since my periodical exams will start on Tuesday, and it will last for 3 days, I decided to tone down my urge to complete quests in L2. Yeah, there are some things in which I need to rush, but for now, I need to wait a little more.But don't worry, I have plans that I will accomplish after the last day of exams. Here are the following:For my Human Knight - completing the Acts of Evil QuestFor my Kamael - continuing the Muertos Feather quest + starting the Few, the Proud & the Brave questFor my Elven archer - starting the Rancher's Plea quest + the Job Change quest to become an Elven ScoutOther plans - creating a dwarf for the sake of crafting items, especially soulshots & spiritshotsThese might change, though, so it might not go on as planned... >_<Anyway, that's all for now... ^^
I was glad that my knight has already become level 30, meaning 10 more levels to go before her 2nd job class. The two quests that I've accomplished during the gaming session this afternoon, the Red-eyed Invaders & the Lizardmen's Conspiracy, were completed thanks to Alcarcalimo and his dance buffs. I noticed that he was reverted back to his old outfit shown in the screenshots found in his blog, unlike him wearing the full Full Plate armor set the last time I saw him moments after I was recruited as an academy member in HeavensOracle.But now, I felt as if she was beginning to show the first sign of having Soulshot Dependency Syndrome. It was because of the Acts of Evil quest, wherein the first part is to kill Turek Orcs in the Orc Barracks for Blade Molds. Before that, I was glad that I was able to kill the Mallie Lizardmen people & the creepy Arenids during the aformentioned two quests efficiently, even without soulshots. But by the time I teleported to the Orc Barracks to bash Turek Orcs for blade molds, there's when the tricky part started. It really took her multiple Power Strikes, Shield Stuns and normal attacks just to kill one Turek Orc, and I even noticed that two of the monsters, the Turek Orc Skirmisher & the Turek Orc Warlord, began to run towards their headquarters for backup. I decided not to follow them on their way there, for I knew that I'll get mobbed and bite the dust becauae of so many monsters.I asked my clan mate AcapBouncer about the problem about how to get SSDs, and he said that I was supposed to buy both the d-grade crystals & soul ores, fot these are the materials needed to create them. I bought these crystals from a dwarf selling in Giran, and the crystals from the grocer NPCs. Believe me, it's really hard to find a crafter nowadays who will accept services of crafting soul shots, and I really need them ASAP.Since I was so tired, I decided to continue the quest some other time and used my Kamael in her quest to collect more Muertos Feathers for adena until the gaming time expires.By the way, the concept of Soulshot Dependency Syndrome came from the post in his blog. Read the post to know more:'s all for now! ^^