Sunday, September 11, 2011

Real Life: 9/11 - Tragedy at its turning point

Imagine yourself walking across the streets of USA, departing for your destination. You seem to enjoy your normal stroll, not caring about the traffic and the normal mood of citizens everywhere. Then you see people running away with panicked expressions and a crowd pointing at a place far away. Finally, you set the gaze at what they're staring at, only to have your jaw dropped at the sight.

The twin towers of World Trade Center disintegrating at the impact of a suicide plane gone mad was the first thing you see.

flame erupts from south tower seen from some distance away

Yep, you got that right, folks. Today's the 10th anniversary of that tragic moment, the result of a terrorist plan going into fruition.

I may not know much about that event, but I could still remember the dreary atmosphere: people running away to avoid getting hurt, helpers rushing in to save those who were injured, loved ones crying their hearts out at the news of their death. It was truly a melancholic sight.

But in midst of tragedy lies hope. Various organizations came in for support and prayers, expressing the possibility of a peaceful departure to the innocent lives which were taken away by the cruel hands of death. Hopefully, that would be enough for their loved ones to realize that there are people willing to help them move on from the pain.

Not to mention that the crash site was also the spot where Americans celebrated the death of the  one behind it all, and thankfully, the towers were restored after years of repair.

Just a prayer would be enough to send all those pour souls into heaven.

Anyway, gotta eat breakfast. Later, peeps! ^^

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